Here's a glimpse into the first day of corn harvest 2015.
There were some very excited boys this morning when Daddy was getting ready to head to the field. Both boys wanted to be the first to ride. Daddy said one, so C1 was out the door with a bag of banana muffins in his hand for breakfast. C2 was promised a ride later in the day. I had a morning of washing laundry, paying bills, and bookkeeping things that were needing attention. C2 and I had our lunch then we loaded up with C3 to get lunch for Big C and C1. I'm in desperate need of a grocery trip.
Side note: Have you shopped with 3 little ones? I just keep making the food in the pantry work for another meal and pushing my trip later.
I picked up lunch from a great little diner and went to the field.
I left both boys to ride for a bit but that changed when we found out there was a breakdown at the grain bin site. I then took Big C to a semi to bring back to the field so he could continue to harvest while waiting for the other trucks to be unloaded. After we dropped him at the semi I took all 3 boys with me. We went to the pig barn to get records for me to enter into the database. Then we made a quick trip to The Dollar General for supper items and a few more meal items until I can get to a "real" grocery store.
We got home and it was naptime for the bigger boys. I put together some taco soup in the crockpot. It's was a chilly day to start harvest I don't think it hit 70 degrees today. Soup sounded good. Then I did more laundry and pig records. When C2 woke from his nap he was barely awake and said, "Take me to the combine." So to the combine he went. C1 and I ate soup then headed to the field with soup for Big C and C2 and two workers. Soup was well received.
I then traded boys. C2 came home with me and C1 got in to finish the day.
We came home and I bathed the 2 smaller boys and got them in bed. Then I started my evening routine of starting the dishwasher and washing more clothes.
I hope C3 cooperates as well as he did today. This will be a great harvest season with a baby in tow.
C1 stayed out with Daddy til 10:30pm. He felt quite big to start and end the day with Daddy. I told him working men get showers no matter how tired they are. He told me he almost fell asleep in the semi coming in from the field.
Now the night is ending watching UK football hoping they pull out a win.